The second realization is that I should do a lot more to help my blog and business grow! I am reading and soaking everything up that I can. How to juggle being mom and wife first, painter/refinish, blogger, sewing teacher to kids and adults, and somewhere in that line up I should take time for me, right?
One thing that I have done for my blog is join "link up parties" a few times...really just 3 times so far, I am a slacker! Anyways, I was just going through my comments on some of my posts and found that Kim from Too Much Time On My Hands featured my Rustic Book Shelf Project. Click here to take a look! WHAT?!? How cool is this! So happy I am smiling from ear to ear, I guess this adventure I am on is for real!

May I be the first to say; WOO HOO! Allison your prjects are gorgeous. I am so happy you are blogging and working at something you love. Doesn't it feel good? =) Congrats!!
YAY! That's awesome sauce!!!! So fun for you!!! :)
I'm SO with you on the juggling act - I can't tell you the number of times I've been up until 2:30 in the morning or later and back at it at 7am. Whoever said blogging is easy was never a blogger! Congrats on the feature!!! :-)
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